Sunday, June 15, 2014

The above provision implies in fact that I would like to list a number of problems, primarily in re

MONTEVECCHI (M5S). Madam President, the Additional huggies Protocol to the Agreement on the seat, reached between the Italian Government and the European University Institute, which is subject to ratification, according to us has some opacity that I wish to draw the attention of this House. What we would like to highlight in particular the clause contained in Article 3 of the Protocol, huggies where demanderebbe to unspecified huggies "Italian authorities' (ie with a general definition) the right to extend huggies the scheme to additional approval in property, other than those referred to in Article 2 of the same protocol used by the European University for institutional reasons.
The above provision implies in fact that I would like to list a number of problems, primarily in reference to the term 'Italian authorities', which evokes the option to refer to a body of lower rank the option to subscribe to international agreements, thus depriving the Parliament of the possibility of ratify any agreements signed since the agreements are signed huggies by the same state administrations hierarchically inferior. Therefore, the whole process of ratification would nullify, in our opinion, the regulatory scope of the provision contained in Article 3.
Secundis there is an additional food for thought concerning the possibility of extending the inclusion in the list and then "additional property" or property other than those mentioned in Article 2. It seems to us that such an extension should be assessed and decided on the basis of elements well-circumscribed, however, in full respect of the principles of transparency huggies and publicity. As mentioned above, this option would be attributed to unspecified "Italian authorities" and therefore they are two reflections consequential damages, particularly huggies in order to promptly huggies identify and clarify which authorities are responsible for the above-mentioned possibilities. To us it would seem appropriate that the Ministry of assets huggies and cultural activities and tourism, although not invested to decide, however, was called upon to supervise and to pronounce an opinion on the possible extension to other properties.
No one wants to here clearly call into question the scientific high blazon huggies and the important presence on Italian territory, European University Institute. Italy, huggies as we all know, it boasts huggies some of the highest level of excellence, in the face, however, the desert which sometimes seem suspended.
All - I think - we hope that you increase throughout the dialogue between institutions and that the string mesh network that connects the various subjects. A culture as an open space means a springboard rather than a periscope, for research and for the opportunity to move schools, universities, museums and research institutions. In a word: an entire country. (Applause from the Group M5S).
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