Wednesday, April 1, 2015

When transgender talking about the ability to

GoGay: GoTrans - Guide "beyond" male gender
How does it feel to be intersex? Coping A.nshim Aintrsksiim consisting of multiple layers, in different areas of their lives. Short video introducing four people, first hand, their life experiences and meet the intriguing question: edt "How does it feel to be intersex"
We do not have the visibility day transgender men have a penis, vulva and men, some women with a vagina and women with a penis. And even, heaven forbid, some people are not male or female, or both. This way, that way it's always been, that's how it will always be. Deal with it
When transgender talking about the ability to "pass" (passing) The intention is that a stranger grabs them by their appearance as belonging to the chosen gender, and in the case of transgender men, when a stranger grabs them as men. In this guide we will refer to several factors that contribute to appearance as men that were caught by foreigners. It is important to remember that even among non-transgender men have very different. There are men with a high voice, smooth-faced, with a small build, low, with hips / waist / big ass, big-breasted, with long hair and various papers. The recommendations in this guide are not necessary to pass as a man, but certainly can improve the chances of this, especially edt for transgender people do not consume testosterone, or the effect of testosterone is not yet evident in a way that provides them. Body language look around and learn the body language and behaviors edt of men. For example, women tend to be less invasive, while men tend to catch more space. Women tend to sit with their legs and arms crossed while men tend to sit legs far apart and arms outstretched. These generalizations and you do not have to act one way or another to be a man or even to pass as a man. Take what you like, and give up what is not. Voice note that men tend to speak in a monotone, and women tend to end sentences as questions or with a slight increase in cement. This is a habit that can be hard to change, try to try to be aware of that. If you lower your voice on purpose, do-it-especially when you're talking on the phone. In face-to-face can be seen as people try to change their voice deliberately. edt Generally lower voice morning, so take this time to make phone calls and record the message on the answering machine. Some say a glass of milk before bed causes the Voice of the morning "to be lower. Even if you cut your hair short already, you might want to consider replacing the style. The simplest way is to look around you and see which you like the styles for men, then think what might be best for you. Beyond these tips can be found in sections fashion, there are some tips specifically related to gender. Short haircuts with tapered wigs are considered more feminine (eg hairstyle of Liza Minnelli), edt and haircuts with straight wigs are considered more masculine. Conservative haircut, short hair where the back and sides and a longer bit more, usually work better bald, because the latter "betrays" the female structure edt of the skull and face (think edt Sinead O'Connor). It is likely that the best haircut you can get the number of men neighborhood, edt one that works for fifty years and still not called "hair styling". Even if you are not perceived by others as, you should use the services. Hairstyle will certainly less money, and it will be easier to recover it in the future. If you are not sure what to ask, just ask for a regular haircut for men. It's their job to choose the hairstyle that will fit you best. Another edt good option is to find a book / Gay-friendly home help / will help you get the most masculine appearance. However, you should edt take into account that there is a difference between men's haircuts haircut lesbians. Facial hair and shaving if you do not take hormones, or you start to take but even you do not have facial hair, you should still shave. Most women have hair plume soft and clear on the face, that is most common in the sunlight, and it may cause you to be perceived as a woman. Too soft fuzz mustache and light may interfere with the prospects of being caught as a man, so it's best to shave her if you want to "pass". You should use a good razor and shaving foam or gel. Basically, the difference between foam and gel is more gel softens the hair, and according to the manufacturer's propaganda also less drying edt out the skin. Try them both and decide for yourself who you believe. Shaving facial hair, body hair shave contrast, is made in the direction of hair growth. After shaving, you should apply a moisturizer. If you use aftershave, should not be based on alcohol, so as not to dry out the skin. Due to a technical problem can not be shown to continue the story. Sorry for the inconvenience.
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