Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Writing is like undressing. It is impossible to wish that my words do not expose me, it is inevitab

Sueli Brazil "... It's funny how I can not say who I am. Mean, I know it well, but I can not say. Especially'm afraid to say because opium at the moment I try to speak not only express what I feel like that turns slowly opium feel what I say ... I am as you see me. I can be as light as a breeze or strong as a gale, depends on when and how you see me through. certain formulas do not give me, because I do not expect to hit always. do not show me what they expect of me, because I follow my heart. Do not make me be who I am not. invite me not to be equal, why am honestly different. know not love in half. know not live a lie. I do not know flying feet.'m always myself, but it sure will not be the same forever "(Clarice Lispector) View my complete profile
Writing is like undressing. It is impossible to wish that my words do not expose me, it is inevitable that they tear me piece by piece of clothing, and is very naive think they will generate identical reactions. The same words that move or make you laugh, cause revulsion and counter. Generate controversy and discomfort in the same way that comfort. And, one way or another make me vulnerable. Writing a blog has been, for me, a fascinating exercise of nudity and discovering parts of me that were so covered and protected than myself know. Roberta Simoni
Any text posted on the internet through this system does not necessarily reflect the views of this site. Comments posted through this system are the sole and full responsibility and authorship of the readers who make use of it. The author of this site reserves the outset, the right to delete comments and texts deemed offensive, defamatory, libelous, or prejudiced in any way harmful to others. opium All images opium used as illustrations were taken from the internet (Google) and also the texts posted here and for that reason I suppose is in the public domain. In the event that there is any image or text from your own work without the credits, it was not intentional, so just let me put the credits or retreat from the blog, is up to the author ...
Feel welcomed curl (the
New friends opium are welcome, bring freshness to our lives, but there are certain times when we need a human mirror, someone we can reflect on and endorse our origin and identity. These mirrors are usually our parents, brothers and "old friends", but it can also be a fruit that you gathered in the courtyard of his childhood, can be a Volkswagen you do not have the guts to sell, can be a ring that was her grandmother and is now on the finger of his daughter. It can be anything that takes you back and bring you back, ensuring who you are - and always has been. "- Martha Medeiros
There is no love without suffering - without the pain of self-denial, processing and purification of self for true freedom. Where there is something that is worth suffering, also life itself loses its value. (Benedict XVI)
Every word from you is a smile that outlines each compliment opium me ... I shiver and copper satin bows ... each reciprocal feeling and exchanged is a closely guarded treasure ... shared every thought is like a night starry sky ... in every good day radiates a ball of colored soap ... every creature that gets lost in the night there is a lake for your reflection ... in every breath there is a submerged your affection ...
"God ... Come, come Even though I do not deserve to come Or maybe the least deserve longer have only one thing going for me I can say.... Never hurt on purpose And it hurts me when I realize I hurt. But I have so many faults restless, jealous, harsh, hopeless love inside of me Though I have only to know not to love:.... sometimes seem barbs If I received so much love inside me and still restless and unhappy is because I need God comes. before it's too late. " (Clarice Lispector)
"Come opium Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and enkindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth Your Spirit and they shall be created, and you renew the face of the earth. O God instruistes the hearts of your faithful by the light of the Holy Spirit grant that rightly appreciate all things according to the same spirit and always let us enjoy His consolation. Through Christ our Lord - Amen! '
I am what I want to be, because I have only one life and only got a chance to do what quero.Tenho enough happiness to make you sweet difficulties to make it strong, Sadness to make her human and enough hope to make -la feliz.As happiest people do not have the best stuff, they know how to make the best of opportunities that appear in their paths. "Clarice Lispector
"Within each person has a hidden opium corner decorated with longing. A place pro color

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