Wednesday, January 15, 2014

In evolutionary terms this is quite logical, because our mind starts to run like clockwork and we g

Stone Age is no doubt that in the days of famine in places. new york and company In our bodies have adapted to survive in such difficult times is also true. Metabolic rate is reduced and the survival time is extended in this manner has probably from somewhere dishes. But the meaning of scarcity is really scarcity. To skip a meal or 24-hour fasting is not scarcity. Scarcity is not even eaten anything for three days. One of the earliest studies conducted new york and company on the subject in the metabolism to slow down, but at the end of 60 hours was observed. (1)
In evolutionary terms this is quite logical, because our mind starts to run like clockwork and we gained mobility, two factors necessary to find the right food. But it was 2.5 days (60 hours) after the food still is not found, then it turns into a disadvantage of this situation now, so he slows down to mateboliz.
New diet flow in this direction: Intermittent Fasting (intermittent fasting) called this kind of diet in all meals are consumed within 8 hours. (Women have up to 10 hours of flexibility. new york and company I am comfortable with 8-9) can not be eaten anything for 16 hours remaining. Of course, because it is not worship any would not mind your fluid consumption. Maybe your body will be more comfortable that way, who knows?
What is low blood sugar can make the poor? Tea and so on. I do not drink sugary things, certainly in weight in 52'm ready. I can not step out kalvaltısız morning, max 6 hours around the black and white if I do not eat something is happening. I think my metabolism does not remove this fasting event.
Meanwhile, for intermediate consumption of vegetable juices came to my mind yesterday, I saw Migros Tata have done, did you try? Sounds incredibly difficult to do at home, I looked at the nutritional value but still have doubts about the content ultimately boxed products ...
First I would like to note: This article is not writing to defend fasting, fasting is not advised in writing. It is not only avenged skip meals, your body is not stupid enough to think himself entered scarcity, forcing individuals who do not want to eat is writing.
I've seen but never tried vegetable juices, because it is boxed products. On the other hand why would I buy extra carbs with my hand? I rather dry for intermediate consumption of meat, almonds, cheese (especially cheese finger in Nature with practicality and low in carbohydrates personal favorite) or protein powder would prefer. I consume mainly protein meals as well as its effect on your blood sugar is getting very limited. I also had a similar problem used to be.
Emotions blood sugar levels of people do not shower your body, though not ever own fat to carbohydrates new york and company or received new york and company from outside everything is translated into sugar in the liver. To this mechanism percent carbohydrate diets such as the man had not run. Fasting for restoral incident carbohydrates at breakfast new york and company the first 6 hours after 0 s acikmadig're going to feel. In today if there were Seger at the highest level would be for drugs and was banned. Fasting sugar addiction in fact that was the event not?
Oh, do not skip meals, eat less often in the form of advisory least they are based on the information and data sources are often short name fdaol in the United States, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and in their media representatives. People too should eat no matter new york and company what products galore should eat the food trusts gained a lot of you, these diseases new york and company due also to be higher in the drug trusts the kazansın.fd with issues prof.ahmet Rasim Küçükusta quite a few articles var.malesef in Turkey that the food and drug trusts those who knowingly or unknowingly, so much so that the mouthpiece. We are about healthy eating sincere illuminating; craving Tabakoğlu, Ahmet Aydin, Kenan Demirkol Canan Karatay, Yavuz Dizdar, Ait Salih, Kemal Özer as scientists like to thank personally I'm a big debt as a görüyorum.i person to have.
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