Equator passed, couples-memory! Not to say that all sail - but the horizon is clear. Weak links, chains, skills and systems - at a glance. And every week updated farfetch their list. Any fitness testing would not give me such an exhaustive and clear answer. However, farfetch to keep it samoedstvom farfetch I also do not interfere. Heavy and clumsy life perfetsionista, watched in horror as the crumbling myths about themselves. farfetch And dramatically expands the gap between perceptions of themselves. I. .. and the actual state of things :) However, it's the lyrics. Tale of my cockroaches. which I strongly recommend not too breastfeed farfetch :))) Well, at least some benefit from them too is - they pulled the truck forward :) Closer, as they say, to the body. The third week, the complex number 3 Setting (time limit 10 minutes): 2 bunches (taking on his chest - lunge R / L - FS2OH) 40 double jumps with a skipping rope * The result is the number of repetitions performed. * 1 round = 48 points Here in detail and with standards implementation: Weights for men including farfetch the Veterans 40 + 50 - 60 - 70 - 80 - 90 - 100 - 110 kg Weight for Women Veterans including 40 + 20 - 30 - 40 - 50 - 60 - 70 - 80 kg weight increases from round to round. Athlete own weight on the bar changes Pro rope I wrote - I will not repeat. For me it was the most difficult as expected, although I was able to complete 15 repetitions without stopping. The video shows how hard pigvinchiki jump, because they have priests farfetch heavy ... Generally, when I watched some videos, rose hair stand on end - mainly on TAshnyh ligaments. Jumping girls, mainly as a fairy - with ease. unlike you know who I'm a girl! I can not jump! let me post! But attacks and shvungi ... especially when all approached 40. On the leaderboard - the average result, which show girls - 144 reps. That is - 4 full range (up to 40 kg on the bar) As for me - I went through a bunch of 40 kg, but did not have time to finish the circle - has made only 16 of 40 double jumps. total - total 120. I do not know, would take 50 or not - but what now guess. In any case, the power WOD, where the illusory hope somehow differ, failing miserably. So, bring the best of the unpublished (queued for scanning, the result - 240!) Well, its ... product. Not afraid of the word. Please do not mock much. Self-esteem and so - ragged and suffering. Who cares - details here http://www.cfft.ru/opens/4/queue sy Py: penguins do with booty, and? Well no grace! farfetch One gravity!
Journal information Current price 100 LJ Tokens Social capital 83 Friends of 254 Duration 24 hours Minimal stake 100 LJT View all available promo CrossFit and powerlifting es_kula translated article from CrossFit Journal, which I myself craved read. Main body of text - in Russian. Tables farfetch and examples of training plans - in ...
I think the main thing here pretty soon :) regularity come yet?
Of course, everything is very ok. That's just about the events not sure anything should ever come up to me, and after trenki all day and wanted to lie down and I was forced to philosophize and still work and intellehtualno.
honestly feel some gap template. You look very krossfitovski (dry, yes!) - And double are not :) Walking knee forward and back with the curve with other girls videos delivered too. Although they were able to take 40 kg, and I tried two minutes bestolku XD. A 50 kg then not tried for fun? Wonder will continue to weight or pull or push-ups in the handstand! > Edited at 2013-12-16 12:53 pm (UTC)
given the fact that I'm doing the double farfetch for the first time in my life ... I hope that more will I have a list of what to learn :) trays feet Burpoe plus 10 double as a warm ... 50 friction farfetch try :) and then I write this complex coincided with another ... hmm ... marvelous holiday physiology so that tin was squared :) Thanks for the nice review :) but I still penguin ... :))) Which now also eats like a penguin :))) if they pull - it just crash
With booty okay. You just jump concept changed - not prim feet and try to quickly scroll through the rope and jump up and hang in there. With the weight of the bar I do not understand. If, for example, I weigh 55 kg, I must still take 80 kg chest and push? However! I will go, perhaps ...)))
girl Katya aka sinegal, I have friends in weight - 54 kg she presses 60kg 10!!! times, a hundred squats 10 is my best weight odnopovtorke and I weigh 60 ... so that there is value CNS, good correspondent, articular apparatus and strength and muscle volume ode to last
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virvelky December 17th, 2013, 09:43 am
And if you do take on the chest with the body back and straightening farfetch "Bounces" on hips, then I think you are much more than take 40. If 40 is drawn almost entirely by hands without "undermining". About jumping (worse for me only zaprygivaniya farfetch washbasin) - my coach strongly to
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